Software for embedded real-time processing
Digital signal processing systems present specific demands on the integration of network protocol stacks and file systems. These functions must under no circumstances delay or even block the real-time data processing.
Software written for personal computer systems may not fulfill these requirements and usually calls for a preemptive real-time operating system to be usable in a DSP environment.
D.SignT TCP/IP Stack for DSPs
The D.SignT network protocol stack is characterized by a fully cooperative concept and low resource consumption. It can be used in a real-time signal processing environment without an operating system. The protocol stack uses only the remaining idle processing time and is under complete user control at any time.
Memory transfers are minimized to relieve the internal and external data transfer paths.
The stack has been ported to the Texas Instruments C2000, C5000 and C6000 processor families, the TMS320VC33 and the Analog Devices SHARC family.
D.SignT D.FAT Filesystem
The file system supports SD-Cards, MMC-Cards, on-board flash memories, SSD, harddisk and ramdisk. It is used for data logging and in conjunction with the D.SignT TCP/IP stack for FTP and HTTP server implementations.