The UniDAQ.EXP1 expands a UniDAQ system with an LCD TFT display and touch screen interface, SD memory card slot, and a battery-buffered real-time clock.


  • Handheld measuring devices
  • User interface for machine monitoring
  • data logger

Key Features

  • battery-buffered and temperature-compensated real-time clock
  • SD memory card slot
  • LCD TFT display for Newhaven NHD-3.5-320240 displays
  • I²C port for touchscreen, incremental encoders and keypads
Display Interface TFT Display / Touch Screen LCD Interface for Newhaven NHD-3.5-320240 Displays
SD-Card Slot 1  
Real-Time Clock 1 temperature compensated, backup battery
I2C 1 for touchscreen, incremental encoders and keypads
Connector 1 80-pin, 0.8mm pitch
Signals 1 DSP SD/MMC (SD-Card expansion)
DSP LCDC (LCD Controller)
1 x SPI
1 x I2C
Trigger Signals (1 x out)
Interrupts (2 x out)
Power Supply 3.3V
Mechanics   77 x 100 mm
Temperature Range   0 – 70°C
ROHS   compliant
Supportsoftware D.FAT - Object code library for SD- Cards, with file system, stdio driver and supplemental programs
- Sample programs in C source code
- FAT12/16/32 support
- exFAT for memory cards exceeding 32GB, 4GB max. file size
- C6747 MMCSD interface usage for high performance
- seamless integration into Texas Instruments stdio run-time environment
  DSW.UniDAQ.EXT1 DSP support software with sample code for Real-Time Clock, LCD, and SD-Cards
Ordering Information
UniDAQ.EXP1 UniDAQ expansion card with LCD TFT display interface, SD card slot, battery-buffered real-time clock
DK.UniDAQ.EXP1 support package for UniDAQ.EXT1, including TFT-Display, support software, FAT file system, and free support via phone or e-mail