D.Module.c6x hex converter

Command line tool for hex file conversion

D6xhex is used to convert the executables produced by TI's LNK6x Linker (COFF-files) into boot code, which can be stored in the D.Module's Flash Memory. Processed this way, your application will automatically be bootloaded at power-up or system reset.

D6xhex generates Intel-Hex Files which can be uploaded to the D.Module.C6xxx using the D.Module's Set-Up Utility as described in the User's Guide. The customised boot code format, the boot loader integrated into the module's BIOS and the Set-Up Utility provide a straightforward solution to convert your application program into boot code, upload it to the module's Flash Memory and add flexibility for field maintenance and service.

To generate a boot-file, proceed as follows:

Compile and debug your program as usual, make sure to set the linker options (in the linker command file) to generate an

  • absolute executable
  • ROM auto-initialisation model

Run D6xhex with the following parameters:

d6xhex -finfile [-a0x10000 -outfile]

  • infile = your applications out file (without extension .out)
  • 0x10000 = Flash start address (depends on config file, 0x20000 for DM642)
  • outfile = outfile name, if it should be different from infile