Example Linker Command File

App.cmd is an example linker command file.

Refer to Memory Requirements for further details

The \BoardSupport\lnk\memorymap.cmd file defines all available memory areas:

@file memorymap.cmd
@brief memory mapping for D.Module2.DM642
_ _ _
__| | ___(_) ____ _ __ | |_
/ _` | / __| |/ _` | '_ \| __|
| (_| | _ \__ \ | (_| | | | | |_
\__,_|(_) ___/_|\__, |_| |_|\__|
Signalprocessing |___/ Technology
@details This file defines a default memory mapping for D.Module2.DM642
@note before including this file define DDR origin and length:
#define RAMDSIC_SIZE 0x03d00000 // adjust this define as needed
#include "../../../BoardSupport/memorymap.cmd"
MEMORY defines the available physical memory areas
IRAM: 256 Kbytes, usable as direct mapped SRAM and/or L2-cache
IVT (interrupt vector table) located at address 0
STARTUP section holds D.Module2.BIOS functions for board
initialization and bootloader
SDRAM: 64 MBytes, first 16 Kbytes hold D.Module2.BIOS functions
IVT : org = 0x00000000, len = 0x200 /* Interrupt Vector Table */
the following memory areas are reserved for the BIOS functions
STARTUP : org = 0x00000200, len = 0x200 /* Startup and bootload code, reserved */
DM2BIOS : org = 0x80000000, len = 0x00004000 /* BIOS, reserved */
the following memory areas depend on cache settings
IRAM : org = 0x00000400, len = 0x3FC00 /* no L2-cache, L2MODE = 000 */
/* IRAM : org = 0x00000400, len = 0x37C00 32K L2-cache. L2MODE = 001 */
/* IRAM : org = 0x00000400, len = 0x2FC00 64K L2-cache. L2MODE = 010 */
/* IRAM : org = 0x00000400, len = 0x1FC00 128K L2-cache. L2MODE = 011 */
the following section is spread over three divisions to have heap and rts
in different locations
start address is 0x80004000 (below is reserved for BIOS)
SDRAM : org = 0x80004000, len = 0x001ec000 /* available for application */
SDRTS : org = 0x801f0000, len = 0x00010000 /* used for RTS */
SDHEAP : org = 0x80200000, len = 0x00100000 /* used for heap */
remaining size for ram disc is:
-0x00004000 BIOS
-0x001ec000 SDRAM
-0x00010000 SDRTS
-0x00100000 SDHEAP
#if RAMDSIC_SIZE /* if a RAM disc is used */
SDRAMDISK: org = 0x80300000, len = RAMDSIC_SIZE

Include this default memory mapping in your application linker command file:

@file App.cmd
@brief @ref P_APPCMD "Example Linker Command File" for D.Module2.DM642
_ _ _
__| | ___(_) ____ _ __ | |_
/ _` | / __| |/ _` | '_ \| __|
| (_| | _ \__ \ | (_| | | | | |_
\__,_|(_) ___/_|\__, |_| |_|\__|
Signalprocessing |___/ Technology
@details This file is a sample DM642 linker command file that can
be used for linking programs built with the TMS320DM642
C Compiler. Use it as a guideline; you may want to change
the allocation scheme according to the size of your
program and the memory layout of your target system.
define SDRAM allocation without RAM disc
0x04000000 total memory size
-0x00004000 BIOS functions
-0x03ffc000 allocated for SDRAM
=0x00000000 no RAMDISC
define SDRAM allocation with RAM disc
0x04000000 total memory size
-0x00004000 BIOS
-0x001ec000 SDRAM
-0x00010000 SDRTS
-0x00100000 SDHEAP
=0x03d00000 RAMDISC
note: these settings are required for include file memorymap.cmd below
/*! [SDRAM allocation] */
#define RAMDSIC_SIZE 0x00000000 /* adjust this define as needed */
/* #define RAMDSIC_SIZE 0x03d00000 */ /* adjust this define as needed */
/*! [SDRAM allocation] */
default MEMORY mapping for D.Module2.DM642
#include "../../../BoardSupport/memorymap.cmd"
SECTIONS defines the mapping of compiler sections to physical memory
/* Sections defined only in RTS. */
"vectors" > IVT /* only required if you link your own IVT */
.stack > IRAM /* internal for performance reasons */
.sysmem > IRAM /* heap for dynamic memory allocation intern */
/* .sysmem > SDHEAP heap for dynamic memory allocation extern */
.cio > SDRAM /* buffer for printf etc. */
/* Sections of user code and data */
.text > IRAM /* Executable code and constants */
.data > IRAM /* not used bythe C-Compiler */
.far > IRAM /* table of far call addresses */
.bss > IRAM /* globals and statics */
.const > IRAM /* Global and static const variables that are expli-
citly initialized and contain string literals */
.switch > IRAM /* Jump tables for large switch statements */
/* RTS Sections */
.cinit > SDRTS /* Tables for explicitly initialized global and static variables */
.pinit > SDRTS /* Table of constructors to be called at startup */
/* use the following three lines to link the RTS to internal memory */
.rtstext { -lrts6400.lib(.text) } > IRAM /* rts code */
.rtsbss { -lrts6400.lib(.far) } > IRAM /* Global and static variables declared far */
.rtsdata { -lrts6400.lib(.const) } > IRAM
/* use the following three lines to link the RTS to external memory */
/* .rtstext { -lrts6400.lib(.text) } > SDRTS */ /* rts code */
/* .rtsbss { -lrts6400.lib(.far) } > SDRTS */ /* Global and static variables declared far */
/* .rtsdata { -lrts6400.lib(.const) } > SDRTS */
/* commented out to supress not used warning */
/* .rtsbss { -lrts6400.lib(.bss) } > SDRTS */
/* .rtsswitch { -lrts6400.lib(.switch) } > SDRTS */
user defined sections
.dbuffer > SDRAM /* data buffer */
.itext > IRAM /* use with pragma CODE_SECTION */
.iram > IRAM /* use with pragma DATA_SECTION */
.sdram > SDRAM /* use with pragma CODE_SECTION or DATA_SECTION */
Section specification for common modules
/*! [Common Code sections] */
/* #define COMMONSECTIONS IRAM all common modules linked to internal RAM */
#define COMMONSECTIONS SDRAM /* all common modules linked to external RAM */
#include "../../../Common/CommonSections.cmd"
/*! [Common Code sections] */
Network library sections
/*! [Network library sections] */
/*! [Network library sections] */
/*! [EMAC Packet Buffer] */
/* define receive packet buffer size for EMAC DMA */
/* this buffer is divided into chunks of 0x600 bytes */
/* for best performance the maximum of 32 chunks should be used */
/* 32 x 0x600 == 0x0c000 */
#define PBUFFER_SIZE 0x0c000
/*! [EMAC Packet Buffer] */
#include "../../../Libs/Netlib/net.cmd"
/* make sure to link the library .far section into internal RAM */
/* .far:FTPLIB { -lftp.lib(.far) } > IRAM */
/* .far:FTPCLIB { -lftpc.lib(.far) } > IRAM */
/* .far:HTTPLIB { -lhttp.lib(.far) } > IRAM */