App.cmd File Reference

Example Linker Command File for D.Module2.DM642 More...

#include "../../../BoardSupport/memorymap.cmd"
#include "../../../Common/CommonSections.cmd"
#include "../../../Libs/Netlib/net.cmd"


#define RAMDSIC_SIZE   0x00000000 /* adjust this define as needed */
#define COMMONSECTIONS   SDRAM /* all common modules linked to external RAM */
#define PBUFFER_SIZE   0x0c000

Detailed Description

See also
Example Linker Command File
                          _         _             _
                       __| |    ___(_) ____ _ __ | |_
                      / _` |   / __| |/ _` | '_ \| __|
                     | (_| | _ \__ \ | (_| | | | | |_
                      \__,_|(_) ___/_|\__, |_| |_|\__|
                     Signalprocessing |___/ Technology

This file is a sample DM642 linker command file that can be used for linking programs built with the TMS320DM642 C Compiler. Use it as a guideline; you may want to change the allocation scheme according to the size of your program and the memory layout of your target system.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define RAMDSIC_SIZE   0x00000000 /* adjust this define as needed */

[SDRAM allocation]

#define COMMONSECTIONS   SDRAM /* all common modules linked to external RAM */
#define PBUFFER_SIZE   0x0c000