httplib.h File Reference

HTTP protocol library prototypes. More...

Data Structures

struct  httpserv_type
 Used for information about current connection. More...
struct  http_con_type
 HTTP connection structure. More...
struct  ws_socket_type
 Websocket structure. More...


#define NULLCHAR   '\0'
#define CR   '\r'
#define LF   '\n'
#define SP   ' '
#define HTTP_PORT   80
#define TCP_MAX_LEN   1460
#define HTTP_NO_LIMIT   _MAKE_32(0)
#define WS_FRAME_TEXT   1
#define WS_FRAME_BINARY   2
#define WS_CLOSE   8
#define WS_PING   9
#define WS_PONG   10
#define WS_CONNECTED   128
#define WS_PROTOCOL_SIZE   14
http_interpreter() return value
HTTP Command Table
#define _HTTP_GET
#define _HTTP_HEAD
#define _HTTP_POST
#define _HTTP_WS
HTTP state machine
#define _HTTP_LISTENING   0
HTTP limits
#define HTTP_MAX_ARG   100
#define HTTP_LINE_LENGTH   500


int32_t http_server_init (user_type *user, mmc_function_type *(*d8900_init_mmc)(void), int32_t max_connections)
 Initialize HTTP server. More...
void http_define_callback (int32_t(*callback_func)(httpserv_type *))
 Define a user callback function for HTTP requests. More...
int32_t http_interpreter (httpserv_type *http_server)
 User defined callback function. More...
void websocket_define_callback (int32_t(*callback_func)(ws_socket_type *))
 Define a user callback function for websocket requests. More...
void http_set_authentication (char *auth_name, char *auth_key, direntry_type *err401, direntry_type *dir_list,...)
 Initialize a secure web page. More...
int32_t http_get_uri (httpserv_type *http_server)
 Search user defined Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) list for requested uri. More...
int32_t http_send_user_page (httpserv_type *http_info, user_type *puser, int32_t uri)
 Send user defined webpage. More...
int32_t http_send_uri (httpserv_type *http_server, direntry_type *uri)
 Send URI using the specified URI without looking up in user list. More...
http_con_typehttp_set_up_page (httpserv_type *http_info, user_type *puser, int32_t uri)
 set up a page for later transmission More...
int32_t http_send_page (http_con_type *con)
 start page transmission More...
int32_t http_server (void)
 The main polling function for concurrent HTTP server. More...
void http_set_index_page (uint32_t page)
 Define index page. More...
int32_t http_add_page (direntry_type *uri)
 Dynamically add a webpage during runtime. More...
int32_t http_send_websocket (ws_socket_type *ws, char *buffer, uint32_t length)
 send a message over connected websocket More...

Detailed Description

                          _         _             _
                       __| |    ___(_) ____ _ __ | |_
                      / _` |   / __| |/ _` | '_ \| __|
                     | (_| | _ \__ \ | (_| | | | | |_
                      \__,_|(_) ___/_|\__, |_| |_|\__|
                     Signalprocessing |___/ Technology
D.SignT GmbH & Co. KG, Claus Hermbusche
Target Platform:
DSK-91C111, EVM DM642, DSK6455, EVM6437, EVM6737, D.Module.8900, D.Module.91C111, D.Module2.DM642, D.Module2.C6747, several custom boards

Macro Definition Documentation


operation code frame continuation

#define WS_FRAME_TEXT   1

operation code text frame

#define WS_FRAME_BINARY   2

operation code binary frame

#define WS_CLOSE   8

operation code close connection

#define WS_PING   9

operation code ping

#define WS_PONG   10

operation code pong

#define WS_CONNECTED   128

operation code connected, internal use only