Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C_PARALLEL_SERVERParallel Server structure definition
 Caddr_typeHardware MAC / IP address pair description
 Carp_list_typeHardware address cache description
 Cdirentry_typeEmbedded File System directory
 CFTP_client_typeUsed for information about current FTP connection
 Cftp_return_typeFTP server return structure
 Chttp_con_typeHTTP connection structure
 Chttpserv_typeUsed for information about current connection
 Cin_structIncoming protocol information
 CNBCtl_tNetwork Buffer Control Structure
 CNBuffer_tNetwork Buffer
 Cout_structOutgoing protocol information
 CSOCKETUnique description of a bidirectional network communication channel
 Ctelnet_return_typeTelnet server return structure
 Cuser_typeUser authentication and directory specification