UART Printf

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Printf via UART

#include <stdio.h>


T_Handle h_uart;

 @brief     printf output via UART
 @param     format - format string, see printf
 @return    -
 @note      make sure not to exceed UART_PRINTFBUF_SIZE
void UARTPrintf(const char *format, ...)
    va_list argptr;
    static char buffer[UART_PRINTFBUF_SIZE];
    int32_t len;
      initialize variable argument list
    va_start (argptr, format);

      print to buffer
    len = vsprintf (buffer, format, argptr);
      check buffer overflow
      exit on overflow
    if (len >= UART_PRINTFBUF_SIZE)
        exit (0xFF);
      output string via UART
    DM2_uartWriteStr (h_uart, buffer, DM2_UART_NOTIMEOUT);
      end variable argument list

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